Disinfectants Chemicals/Solutions
Offering broad spectrum germicidal kill, our range of disinfectants meet every need in every area of your facility, from operating theatres, neo-natal units, and isolation rooms to reception desks.
With our understanding of industry guidelines, Diversey can ensure you have the right disinfectant solutions to meet the most rigorous standards, while providing the education and support you need to maintain them.

Soft Care Des E Liquid is an alcohol rub for waterless skin disinfection
Soft Care Des-E Liquid is a hand disinfecting alcohol rub based on ethanol. Ethanol is a very efficient disinfecting agent and consequently highly effective against resident and transient skin micro organisms.
This product has also been formulated with humectants, excellent skin care ingredients. Therefore it can be applied in areas where frequent use of hand disinfecting products is required, such as hospitals and in those areas where there is no water available.
Soft Care Des-E Liquid is perfume-free, thus eliminating the risk of tainting foods and making it suitable for application in the food processing area. It's a thin liquid without polymer, so therefore suitable for use in hygiene devices.
Soft Care Des-E Liquid has been formulated in accordance with the European Cosmetics Directive and as such is safe when applied according the directions for use.
- Contains ethanol which is a very effective disinfectant.
- Suitable for surgical disinfection.
- Perfume free (suitable for use in food processing area).
- Contains humectants that prevents skin irritation.
- Thin liquid which can be used for spray application.